The benefits of engaging a BAS Agent for your business

Do you spend too much time on your accounts? It could be time to engage the services of a BAS agent to help you with bookkeeping and ATO reporting. Working with a BAS agent can benefit your business more than you may realise! Many business owners starting out try to save on costs by doing […]

What is Personal Services Income?

Not sure if you’re earning personal services income or conducting a personal services business? Special rules apply to PSI. Personal services income (PSI) is income received as payment for individual personal efforts and skills. It applies to many contractors who provide services as their means of earning an income. PSI rules can apply to individual […]

The profit and loss and balance sheet reports

Do you know the difference between your P&L and your balance sheet? We can explain exactly what each report means – and how it reflects your current performance as a business. The profit and loss report and the balance sheet are both key reports when it comes to getting in control of your company’s financial […]

Remote work is on the rise – support your virtual team

Remote workers? Make sure you have strong communication channels, and robust systems. This is to support your flexible workers and ensure continued productivity for your business.  Remote working has become more and more common as lockdowns have changed our working life. Developments in technology have allowed us to communicate and collaborate no matter where we […]

Is your business focused enough on cyber-security?

Keeping your data safe can be a big worry for today’s digital businesses. Now’s the ideal time to get your cyber security reviewed, updated and tightened – before there’s a breach! We live in a digital world. Our company’s data and (crucially) our customers’ data is under constant attack. Hackers are always looking for new […]

New Employees? Find out about Stapled Super Funds

From 1st November, if you have any new employees that don’t nominate a specific superannuation fund, you may need to request their ‘stapled super fund’ details from the ATO.  Choosing a super fund Most employees are eligible to choose a super fund when starting a new job. However, sometimes an employee might not make a […]

Are you making time for mindfulness?

Are the pressures of business getting on top of you? Now’s the time to switch to a more proactive approach to wellbeing and mindfulness in the workplace.  As business owners, we all know the pressure of being the driving force behind a business. It can be a stressful experience, and this can have an impact […]

What’s the Difference Between PAYGI and PAYGW?

Do you want to understand more about PAYGI and PAYGW? If you’re new to business or going to employ people, you’ll need to withhold income tax payments for employees. You also need to plan for income tax payments for your business. Many people new to running a business and employing people are unsure about the […]

To scale up or downsize your business? Check the forecasting

Are you looking to either upsize or downsize your business? The post-Covid, globalised economy has created a number of challenges for the average business. Depending on your business purpose and strategy, you may need to either upsize, or downsize. This is to secure the long-term future of your company. But what are the implications of […]

Australian Consumer Law Changes

Australian Consumer Law specifies guarantees for consumers when buying products or services regardless of warranties you may provide to customers. Changes in July 2021 mean you’ll need to understand how ACL guarantees affect your business. Changes to the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) from July 2021 – do they affect your business? The financial threshold definition […]