How to stay competitive in your industry

Staying competitive puts your business ahead of the pack. We’ve shared some top advice on how to remain competitive and maintain your leading edge over the competition. It’s difficult to make your business stand out from the crowd, especially in the 21st century digital environment where businesses large and small are competing for the same […]

The importance of goodwill in your business

Building goodwill in your business adds to its value. And potentially gives you a competitive advantage. Here are 5 key ways to improve goodwill in your business, and how this adds to the value of your company. Goodwill in accounting refers to the intangible value that a company can hold, above and beyond the pure […]

Digital Signatures and Cyber Security

Did you know that authenticated digital signatures can be more secure than handwritten ones? Authenticated digital signatures can be a valuable part of your cyber security approach. They are more efficient than printing, signing and scanning documents and provide one-off encryption for the highest level of security. In fact, they are more secure than a […]

Are you making the most of your business data?

Are you getting the most from your business data? Your app stack generates a goldmine of insightful data every day. Are you recording, measuring and analysing enough of the data being generated by your business? With so many apps and digital solutions now available to businesses, there’s a wealth of useful data to trawl through […]

Key numbers to focus on in your business now

What are the key reports to focus on in your business? Track performance, take action and prepare your company for surviving or thriving in the new business normal. As a business owner, it’s never been more important to have a good grasp on your finances. For many businesses, priorities have changed, customer behaviours have mutated […]

Have you got a strategy for a financially stress-free holiday period?

Holiday breaks are a time to re-charge for the year ahead. However, for some business owners, holidays can be a stressful time for cash-flow. Have you got the strategies in place to ensure you are in the best financial position this year? Holiday breaks are a chance to recharge for the year ahead especially after […]

Check Your Business Performance Against the ATO Small Business Benchmarks

Benchmarks can help focus attention on areas that could be improved like the ratio of labour cost to turnover. Are you interested in comparing your business performance against the ATO Small business benchmarks? It can be a useful exercise to see whether your business is performing well, on average, or lower than the benchmark figures. Each […]

Bringing your cashflow processes into the digital age

When economic times are tough, it helps to be in control of your cashflow. Keeping on top of your cashflow is even more important during tough economic times. With a global slowdown on the cards, energy prices soaring and supply chain still challenges, cash is likely to be tight over the coming year and beyond. […]

Business tips: Adding value to your business prior to an exit

Ready to think about selling your business? Before you put the company on the market, it’s vital to go through a process of adding additional value to the business. Make sure you’re running a tight ship. Generally speaking, an exit strategy will be put in place years before your planned exit date. This gives you […]

GST on Business Purchases from Overseas

Does your business buy products and services from overseas suppliers? If so, you may be charged GST, but not always! Review your accounts and software tax codes to make sure GST claims on overseas purchases are correct. Does your business buy products and services from overseas suppliers? If so, you may be charged GST – […]