Stepping back: Do you have an exit strategy for your business?

Ready to retire, want to cash up, or just need a break? At some point you will probably want to move on from your business – here’s why you’ll need an exit strategy. Owning a business can be brilliant, but you might not want to do it forever.Whether you’re ready to retire, want to cash […]

Cash flow forecasting puts you back in control

Being in control of your cashflow has never been more important. We’ll help you set up detailed cashflow forecasting to put you back in the cashflow driving seat. We all know that positive cashflow is the beating heart of any successful business. And with so many external pressures on your cash right now, it’s important […]

Which is more important? Cashflow or profit?

Which is more important? Cashflow or profit? We’ll explain why getting in control of your cash is vital for the stability and continued success of your business. Cashflow and profit are two of the most important financial metrics for any business. But while they’re both related to the financial performance of a company, they measure […]

Stressing about your work/life balance?

Don’t stress about your work/life balance – a little stress can actually be good for you as long as you keep it within bounds. Trying to get perfect the work/life balance can be a cause of stress in itself. If you are feeling the strain of building your business and maintaining your life the good […]

Top reasons why you should take employee retention seriously

Some businesses treat employees like interchangeable cogs, but there are some compelling reasons why you should do all you can to keep good people with the company. This article looks at why you should take a strategic approach to employee retention. This article was originally published by Nick Stanley from MyHR. We have updated this […]

Using your network to create business development opportunities

Improving your networking is one way to start opening up more business development opportunities. People buy from people. It’s an obvious observation beloved of salespeople, but it’s also why networking is such a powerful tool for creating business development opportunities. Networking helps build relationships with other professionals, share ideas and learn from each other. By […]

Understanding Your Breakeven Point

Do you know your business breakeven point? Knowing how much income you must generate to cover all fixed and variable costs means you can make better business plans and financial decisions for long-term sustainability and profit. Understanding your business breakeven point is essential to know how much money you need to make to stay in […]

Build long-term customer relationships: improve your financial stability

Happy customers spend more and tell more people about your business. Great customer relationships make your business more financially stable. We know that building long-term relationships with your customers makes good sense for your customer experience. But good relationships are also a key factor in making your business more financially stable and improving your bottom […]

5 signs you’re undercharging

Are you undercharging for your fees? Here are the five warning signs that can help you diagnose whether your prices are too low. Are you undercharging for your services? It can be hard to tell, particularly if you’re in a niche industry or you’re a contractor. Costs have been rising, so it may be time […]

The four-day week is gaining momentum – could it boost your business?

Evidence is mounting for the success of the four-day week – high productivity, happier team members and lower overheads. But there are some downsides, too. Could a four-day week boost your business? What are the pros and cons. The four-day work week is a winner – or at least that’s the result from a major pilot […]