The four-day week is gaining momentum – could it boost your business?

Evidence is mounting for the success of the four-day week – high productivity, happier team members and lower overheads. But there are some downsides, too. Could a four-day week boost your business? What are the pros and cons. The four-day work week is a winner – or at least that’s the result from a major pilot […]

Weighing up a big investment in your business

It’s expensive to invest in a new website, payment platform, project management software or automation. Should you take the plunge? Are you considering investing in a new way to make your business more productive or streamlined? With a tight labour market, everyone’s time is at a premium – so finding ways to maximise productivity has […]

Remote work is on the rise – support your virtual team

Remote workers? Make sure you have strong communication channels, and robust systems. This is to support your flexible workers and ensure continued productivity for your business.  Remote working has become more and more common as lockdowns have changed our working life. Developments in technology have allowed us to communicate and collaborate no matter where we […]