Understanding Your Breakeven Point

Do you know your business breakeven point? Knowing how much income you must generate to cover all fixed and variable costs means you can make better business plans and financial decisions for long-term sustainability and profit. Understanding your business breakeven point is essential to know how much money you need to make to stay in […]

Keeping your cashflow strong in tough times

Weathering the storm? Small businesses are particularly vulnerable in tough economic times. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable in tough economic times. When sales are slow, there are still overheads and salaries that need to be sorted. Pre-planning and being proactive can help you weather tighter economic periods and allow you to continue to thrive. Make […]

The four-day week is gaining momentum – could it boost your business?

Evidence is mounting for the success of the four-day week – high productivity, happier team members and lower overheads. But there are some downsides, too. Could a four-day week boost your business? What are the pros and cons. The four-day work week is a winner – or at least that’s the result from a major pilot […]

Is your cost of sales affecting your gross profit?

Do you know how much it costs you to produce each product or service in your range? The better you can understand this cost of sales – or cost of goods sold (COGS), as it’s more commonly known – the more ability you have to control your company’s profitability.  When you know your COGS: But […]