Book a Free Discovery Meeting With Our Experienced & Friendly Team Today…

And ensure your organisation is on track to achieving your purpose and leaving a positive legacy.

This is your opportunity to discuss your organisation’s financial health and management with a trusted
expert, with 18+ years experience working with businesses like yours. Together, we’ll map out a custom
pathway to reduce your financial stress, boost your transparency and integrity, and keep you focused
on what matters most: your mission.

Here’s What We’ll Discuss During This 60-Minute Call:

Where Your Organisation is at Right Now…

Speak with our team about your current finance goals, and the challenges standing in the way of you achieving them.

Where You’re Headed in the Near-Future and Beyond…

Bounce ideas off an industry expert and explore what the future of your organisation can look like with the right strategies and support.

How You Can Get There With the Least Stress and Most Support!

Learn exactly how we can take your organisation’s finances off your shoulders, reduce your stress, and free you to achieve your purpose.

Unlike many sole trader bookkeepers, we offer you the hands-on support of a much larger, highly-dedicated
team. This means you can think of us as your personal, independent Chief Financial Officer – dedicated to your
mission, serious about your results, and aligned with your values. No matter your goals, challenges, or purpose,
we can help you gain the financial clarity, confidence, and control you need!

Our Purpose is to Help You Achieve Yours

That’s why we work exclusively with the world changers, risk-takers, and
difference-makers of the world. Our services are best suited for:

Non-Profit and Community-Focused Organisations

Know exactly where your organisation’s
finances stand (in real-time), so you can
make better decisions, meet funding
obligations, and stay focused on your
impact and mission.

For-Profit Businesses Making A Difference

Make an impact and a profit with bookkeeping that goes beyond the numbers, and ensures your business is as socially responsible, ethical, and climate-conscious as it can be.

Climate Conscious Businesses

Level-up your carbon accounting and bookkeeping so you can stay on-track towards your impact and sustainability goals, and build a more transparent business.

Is This Discovery Meeting Right for You?

We’ve honed our skills and strategies over 18+ years, and are selective in who we choose to
help. We know the types of businesses we click with (and those we don’t) and have no
interest in wasting your time if we’re not a good fit for each other.

If you resonate with any of the below, this Discovery Call is a good fit for you:

You have an annual turnover
of more than $750,000

You currently have
employees and the need for
payroll services and support

You understand the value of paying a bookkeeper

You value integrity and love
when things are done ‘by
the book’

It’s important to you that
your staff have the correct
benefits and on-time pay

You’re open to good
advice and new ways of doing things

You care about the planet, and the impact your business leaves on it

You’re ready to offload the numbers so you can focus on your mission

The words ‘ethical, transparent, and socially responsible’ light you up

You want to build a smarter, more streamlined, and more successful business.

If you are reading that saying, “That’s me!”, then we can’t wait to speak with
you! Book your Discovery Meeting today and let’s talk more.

Who Are Our Bookkeeping Services NOT For?

We’re not a good fit for you if:

I have been working with Purposely for a couple of years now and in this time the team has shown significant support to me and my business.

Their technical expertise has helped me get my business in order leaving me to focus on what I do best. They
communicate on a weekly basis so I know where things are at and what is yet to be done. Everything is
completed and lodged on time and in full. I trust that they handle my data confidentially and would recommend
them to anyone who is seeking the “next level” in terms of a bookkeeper.

Luke D.V.

Swat Suspension Wheel & Tyre Pty Ltd

Ready to Take Your First Step Towards Stress-Free Financial Management of Your Organisation?

Our team can’t wait to speak with you to discuss what
we can take off your plate, so you can stay focused
on making a world-changing impact. Book your free,
60-minute Discovery Meeting today to get started.